Wednesday 20 January 2010

En glimt av vardag för The Kjellsons Twins

Januari är faktiskt riktig seg enligt min mening. Kolsvart på morgonen. Isiga vindar. Luften har varit någon slag klibbig grå massa som man helst inte alls vill suga in i lungorna. Tillbaka till läxor som Gustav har kämpat med den senaste veckan åt att skriva berättelser. Nu hittar jag ingen käck ikon som infogar dokument i den här bloggen, så helt enkelt klistrar jag in hela Gustavs "essay".
Förlåt Gustav för mina ev. stavfel -jag tycker du har gjort ett fantastiskt jobb!!!
Ska vi låta Maja läsa den också?

Önskar alla trevlig läsning!

By: Gustav Kjellson, 3J January 20, 2010

Sisters are a real pain

Have you ever wondered how it feels to have a sister? Well, you don´t want to know! You might be wishing you have a sibling every day. THINK AGAIN! They take your stuff, they break your stuff and they hurt you.

Sisters are a real pain because they take your stuff when you need them.

Once after a long party we came home very late (12.00). We had to go to bed right away, so I went up to my room and put on my pyjamas.When I was going to brush my teeth my sister was already there. I know she likes to do tricks and get me in trouble, but I thought she was too tired for that, BOY I was wrong! Then she snatched the tooth paste and ran into her room. Then I got in trouble for playing around. Another time I was building my Lego that I got for my birthday, my sister came in. ”Hi, what do you want?” I said ”I just wanted to tell you something” she said with a smirk. I knew she was going to do something nasty, but you never know what. Then she burst into my room and grabbed a Lego and said ”want your Lego back? Then come and get it” She ran into her room and I came after. Then I said, ”give me my Lego or I will tell mom”. OK she grumbled. Then I went into my room and kept building my Lego.

Sisters are a real pain because they break your stuff.

Once when I was at my friends house for a play date, actually it was a sleep over, my sister also had a sleep over with her friend. When I came home I ran into my room, and there it was. My Lego airplane on the floor in two pieces. First, I did not know what to do, but then I heard a laugh in the room beside me. My worst enemy, MY SISTER! I burst into her room and said ”did you break my Lego air plane?” She answered ”Maybe. Well, my friend did it” ”I knew it” I yelled as I went into my room to fix the plane. Another example is when I got a new plastic boat in Sweden. There was some different features like opening doors, spinning propellers so you can drive it in water and firing missiles. So once when I was playing with it my sister tripped on it and she said ”why did you make me trip on your little boat bro? I knew you would just start bragging if you got that boat”. I wasn´t sure what to say or do. Did I do it on purpose? Then she took my boat and broke one missile in half.

Sisters are a real pain because they hurt you.

One time when I was doing my homework, I had not much so it took me a short time to get finished. I told my mom I was done and my sister heard me. She said, ”yoy are just bragging and you are just gonna play Wii”. ”NO” I said, ”YES” she said ”you are just going to play your favourite game which you always play”. I thought for a moment. ”It was a long time ago I played” I said. ”I knew it” she yelled and scratched me on the back. Recently I was playing Wii (my favourite game) when my sister came home from her A:S:A. She wanted to watch TV like always. I said ”NO” and asked ”why can´t you watch downstairs?” Then the excuses came. ”But you have been playing Wii every day, the TV downstairs has a bad screen, it is my favourite program now and not in a while!” and the last one wasn´t so much of it was a pain. She hit me in the face so my nose started bleeding! Of course she didn´t get to watch TV for that. VICTORY!