Förutom 3.5 timme i bil på lördagkvällen, (se nedan) kommer det några mer positiva bilder.
Sunday, 31 January 2010
Gott & Blandat
Förutom 3.5 timme i bil på lördagkvällen, (se nedan) kommer det några mer positiva bilder.
Mei venti eller inget blir som man tänkt sig
Monday, 25 January 2010
Kalas nr 2
Wednesday, 20 January 2010
En glimt av vardag för The Kjellsons Twins
Sisters are a real pain
Have you ever wondered how it feels to have a sister? Well, you don´t want to know! You might be wishing you have a sibling every day. THINK AGAIN! They take your stuff, they break your stuff and they hurt you.
Sisters are a real pain because they take your stuff when you need them.
Once after a long party we came home very late (12.00). We had to go to bed right away, so I went up to my room and put on my pyjamas.When I was going to brush my teeth my sister was already there. I know she likes to do tricks and get me in trouble, but I thought she was too tired for that, BOY I was wrong! Then she snatched the tooth paste and ran into her room. Then I got in trouble for playing around. Another time I was building my Lego that I got for my birthday, my sister came in. ”Hi, what do you want?” I said ”I just wanted to tell you something” she said with a smirk. I knew she was going to do something nasty, but you never know what. Then she burst into my room and grabbed a Lego and said ”want your Lego back? Then come and get it” She ran into her room and I came after. Then I said, ”give me my Lego or I will tell mom”. OK she grumbled. Then I went into my room and kept building my Lego.
Sisters are a real pain because they break your stuff.
Once when I was at my friends house for a play date, actually it was a sleep over, my sister also had a sleep over with her friend. When I came home I ran into my room, and there it was. My Lego airplane on the floor in two pieces. First, I did not know what to do, but then I heard a laugh in the room beside me. My worst enemy, MY SISTER! I burst into her room and said ”did you break my Lego air plane?” She answered ”Maybe. Well, my friend did it” ”I knew it” I yelled as I went into my room to fix the plane. Another example is when I got a new plastic boat in Sweden. There was some different features like opening doors, spinning propellers so you can drive it in water and firing missiles. So once when I was playing with it my sister tripped on it and she said ”why did you make me trip on your little boat bro? I knew you would just start bragging if you got that boat”. I wasn´t sure what to say or do. Did I do it on purpose? Then she took my boat and broke one missile in half.
Sisters are a real pain because they hurt you.
One time when I was doing my homework, I had not much so it took me a short time to get finished. I told my mom I was done and my sister heard me. She said, ”yoy are just bragging and you are just gonna play Wii”. ”NO” I said, ”YES” she said ”you are just going to play your favourite game which you always play”. I thought for a moment. ”It was a long time ago I played” I said. ”I knew it” she yelled and scratched me on the back. Recently I was playing Wii (my favourite game) when my sister came home from her A:S:A. She wanted to watch TV like always. I said ”NO” and asked ”why can´t you watch downstairs?” Then the excuses came. ”But you have been playing Wii every day, the TV downstairs has a bad screen, it is my favourite program now and not in a while!” and the last one wasn´t so much of it was a pain. She hit me in the face so my nose started bleeding! Of course she didn´t get to watch TV for that. VICTORY!
Monday, 18 January 2010
Kalas nr 1
Thursday, 14 January 2010
en glimt av taitai´s vardag i Beijing
Saturday, 9 January 2010
Wednesday, 6 January 2010
Trettondagsafton i Peking!
Vi firar nya året med fortsatt skolov för barnen. Januari är strålande sol och vintervit, men jag lovar att det blåser isiga vindar, iskallt även för oss nordbor.